Bill Hasch has notified the board that he can no longer fulfill the role of Male Representative due to personal issues. He will maintain his connection with the South West Veterans.
I would like to thank Bill for his work over the past year and a bit where he has attracted a number of social golf clubs who have been swelling our green fee players, and some getting involved in the competitions. He has taken greeting new members and making them feel welcome to a new level. Thanks again Bill.
Now this means we have a vacancy for the position of ‘Male Representative’ on the board. I appeal to the men to consider joining us on the board and contributing to the successful running of the PGC. It is a good introduction as to how the board and overall management of the club works and you would be filling an important role.
Please give it some thought and encourage one of your mates to take the job on if not yourself. The next meeting is 12th March and it would be good if we could have nominations in by then.
Tony Preston
Club President.